What's At Stake
Top Issues we are facing in the upcoming elections

Protecting Abortion Rights
Every individual in Tennessee has the right to make decisions about their own body. Unfortunately, our legislators don’t think that’s the case and want to take that right away. Tennessee is one of 13 states with “trigger laws” that will outlaw abortion once the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. That means over half of Tennesseans will lose access to potentially life-saving healthcare. We say enough is enough. Any individual in Tennessee who seeks out an abortion should have the right to do so at any time, without question.
Join us and tell the supermajority to keep their bans off our bodies.

Over 80% of Tennesseans agree that cannabis legalization needs to happen. Despite that overwhelming majority, the supermajority would still waste our tax dollars on criminalizing something that 19 states (and counting) did away with. Instead, we can listen to the residents of Tennessee and use the revenue to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, fund our failing schools, and provide the basic services our state severely lacks. It’s time our “leaders” in Nashville listen to the voters of Tennessee and end cannabis prohibition once and for all.
Step up and make your voice heard that cannabis legalization has a home in Tennessee.

Under the “guidance” of Gov. Lee and the supermajority, the state of Tennessee has become one of the most gun-friendly states in the nation. Thanks to them, Tennessee has become a hotbed for school shootings. Since 2008, Tennessee has the 5th most school shootings per capita, 10th in gun deaths per capita, and 9th in overall gun deaths. The data is clear. Gun violence is Tennessee’s number one public health and safety concern.
Parents should be able to send their children to school without fear for their safety. Retail workers should work without fear of a mass shooting. Children deserve the right to grow up.
Enough is enough. We need a safe Tennessee.


Ending the Slate of Hate
If anything is constant about the Tennessee legislature, it’s that each year they chip away at the freedoms of the LGBTQ+ community through the heralded “Slate of Hate.” Instead of focusing on what can be done to combat skyrocketing housing prices, shrinking wages, or the laundry list of other issues, the supermajority continues to invest their energy attacking the most vulnerable Tennesseans. Tennessee should be a home to everyone, not just those that agree with the supermajority. It’s time we put an end to the Slate of Hate and let Tennesseans know that y’all means all.
Pledge to end the Slate of Hate alongside us and make Tennessee a home for everyone.
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